A culinary-themed films will be released soon under the name of “Tabula Rasa”. The third film production by Lifelike Pictures will presents the story of a family drama that is close to your daily life and relate it to the rich culinary cuisines in Indonesia as the pivot of the story.
“Tabula Rasa talked about the sense of longing and memory in our lives,” said the young filmmakers and writers Tumpal Adriyanto Dewo Tampubolon Adriyanto. The film has been carrying out the production process in January to February 2014 for 30 days. The process image is taken in Jakarta, Bogor, and Serui, West Papua.
Here’s the official synopsis
Hans, a young man from Serui, Papua, has a dream of becoming a professional football player. Yet fate has a different agenda, when Hans almost loses his will to live he meets Mak, owner of a humble Minangnese restaurant (lapau). In the midst of their differences, Hans and Mak find their similarities. Dreams and the passion for living are once more ignited in Hans through food and cooking - food is the goodwill that unites them.
“Tabula Rasa” is the first culinary-themed films in Indonesia. The film is played by Dewi Irawan, Yayu Unru, Ozzol Ramdan, and Jimmy Kobogau. The film is scheduled for release on September 25th 2014. For more information regarding this film, please visit their official website at tabularasafilm.com.